Thursday 28th March 2024
I hope you are all well and have had a good couple of weeks. I can’t believe we are at the end of this term already with Easter just around the corner!
This week we say goodbye to our January 2022 cohort who have reached the end of their apprenticeship practical period. Many of them have already flown through Gateway and are waiting to sit their professional discussions in April, we wish them the best of luck, they are so close to being able to call themselves RVN’s and we could not be prouder of them.
We also had the final session in our VN07/08 revision series on Wednesday. The series has been well attended with 50+ attendees and we have had some very positive feedback- “Will really help me in my exam” and “Would recommend to others” were two of our favourite pieces of feedback.
In April we are running professional discussion (PD) CPD. We will be holding two separate online sessions, one focussing on the support that clinical supervisors can offer their students (15/04/2024), and one where we focus on how the student can best prepare for their PD (18/04/2024).
DWA has a 97% first time pass rate with the PD and the sessions will be delivered by a current veterinary nursing PD examiner, so they will be very helpful to those who feel they need extra information and support.
As usual, please email Ali.heywood@dickwhiteacademy.ac.uk for further information about the CPD sessions.
I hope you have a pleasant Easter, and I will see you all soon.