More Information
What is a complaint?
A complaint is where an apprentice, other learner or employer is unhappy with any aspect of the service that we provide. Examples include:
- Apprentice feels that we have unfairly treated them
- Apprentice feels that we have not given them the support during their programme that they would have expected.
- Any learner, who feels that we have assessed a piece of their work unfairly
- An employer who feels that we have not provided them with sufficient information regarding the progress made by their apprentice or learner.
There is no ‘fixed’ definition of a complaint. We will consider any issue that an apprentice, learner or employer wishes to raise, where they believe that they have not been treated properly by us.
Student Complaints
Where a student makes a complaint against a student or member of staff, DWA should ensure, as far as reasonable and practicable, that the student is not harassed/bullied by any third party (student, member of staff or member of the public).
Informing staff
Where a member of staff (or a group of staff) is the primary subject of a complaint, then the Principal shall write to the identified member of staff indicating that they have been named in a complaint together with the following information:
- date complaint was made
- nature of the complaint (i.e. necessary detail)
- their role, and likely interaction with the member of staff
- what will happen to the outcomes of the investigation
- the mechanism by which the named member(s) of staff may respond to the complaint
Note: At this stage, the identity of the person making the complaint may remain anonymous (where a complainant has named a member of staff as the subject of their complaint, then the Principal must ascertain whether the name of the complainant may be released to the member of staff. The complainant should be made aware that where a member of staff is named and the complaint is not founded then the member of staff may have recourse to college processes, or external processes [where legal action may be taken])
The Principal must make it clear to the third party/complainant that complaints are taken seriously, and that DWA may take action to protect its employees.
DWA takes any complaints very seriously
- If a student, clinical supervisor or practice principal has a complaint against an aspect of the training provided by DWA, the complaint should be put in writing to the DWA Principal with any supporting documentation.
- DWA Principal: Ali Heywood ali.heywood@dickwhiteacademy.ac.uk
- Complaints will be responded to within 10 working days of receipt of written documentation.
- If a complaint is to be made regarding the DWA Principal then DWCF Director Prof. Dick White should be contacted at the following address:
- DWCF Director: Prof Dick White dw@dwcp.co.uk
- Complaints will be responded to within 10 working days of receipt of written documentation.
- Appeals regarding assessment decisions will follow the Awarding Body appeals process
Next Steps
If you are unhappy with an apprenticeship and have not been satisfied with the outcome of following the above complaints procedure then you can contact the Education and Skills Funding Agency(ESFA) directly and raise your concerns with them.
How to complain to the ESFA
The ESFA will only accept complaints in writing, by email or by letter.
If you have difficulties in providing details in writing or if you are under 18, they will consider complaints made on your behalf by a third party. You will need to confirm that they can communicate with that third party on your behalf. If the complaint is on behalf of more than one person, the ESFA will need to write permission from everyone.
You should email complaints to complaints.esfa@education.gov.uk, or put them in a letter to:
Customer Service Team,
Education and Skills Funding Agency
Cheylesmore House
Quinton Road
Coventry CV1 2WT
The ESFA will acknowledge the complaint within 5 days.
If the complainant is still unsatisfied after the ESFA response they can write to the complaints adjudicator to decide on the case.