Wednesday 28th February 2024
Well, this is the first of the principal’s round ups, a bi-monthly update as to what is happening at DWA.
It has been a busy start to 2024 with the January cohort all about to sit their first exam (VN01)! We wish them the best of luck with this.
Our January 2022 cohort have recently sat their first round of OSCE mocks- as one student said, “it was really scary, but I am really proud that I did it.” So are we, the more you practice the more comfortable you will be when the real exams arise!
We are excited to announce that following our CPD survey (thanks to all of you who participated with this) we will be rolling out a programme of online and in-person CPD starting in March with weekly, on-line revision session for the VN07/08 theory paper. The sessions will be held over three weeks and will cover fluid therapy, intrapartum and neonatal care and nutrition. The sessions are free for DWA students and cost £5 per session for all other attendees. For more information or to book your place please email me at Ali.heywood@dickwhiteacademy.ac.uk
You will also start to see more activity on our Instagram page as we increase revision support with more quizzes as per our students request. If you don’t follow us yet then you need to head over to @dwavetnursing to ensure you access content that is updated weekly.
Have a great couple of weeks